Pros and Cons of Egg Freezing



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A woman may choose to freeze her eggs for various reasons – she might want to prioritize her career during her 30s, she could be dealing with a medical condition that might affect her fertility in the future, or perhaps she hasn’t yet found the right partner to start a family with. Regardless of the reason, there are several pros and cons to consider when contemplating egg freezing:

Pros of Egg Freezing

  1. Preserve Your Healthiest Eggs: As a woman ages, the health of her eggs decreases. Freezing your eggs allows you to preserve your fertility and potentially conceive later in life. After 40, the chances of getting pregnant naturally decrease significantly, and the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in eggs increases.
  2. Fewer Rounds of IVF Later: Using healthier, younger eggs might reduce the need for multiple rounds of IVF in the future, potentially saving you money and emotional stress.
  3. Peace of Mind: Egg freezing provides the freedom to create the best possible situation for starting a family without the pressure of a ticking biological clock.
  4. No Regrets: As technology advances, the process of egg freezing will likely become more efficient and accessible. Freezing your eggs when you’re at the optimal age for it could prevent future regrets.
  5. Promotes Gender Equality: In both the workplace and personal relationships, egg freezing can help level the playing field by reducing the pressure to have children by a certain age.

Cons of Egg Freezing

  1. High Cost: A cycle of egg freezing can cost around $10,000, and with additional fees for medication and storage, the total costs may reach around $15,000.
  2. False Sense of Security: Despite the advancements in technology, there’s still no 100% guarantee that frozen eggs will lead to a successful pregnancy.
  3. One Cycle, One Child: Typically, one cycle of egg freezing results in one child at best. Multiple children would require multiple cycles of egg freezing, with no guarantees.
  4. Risks of Drug Treatment and Medical Procedures: Both the egg retrieval and future implantation processes involve hormone medications and invasive procedures, which carry some health risks.

There’s a wealth of information available online, from fertility centers detailing the medical process to personal experiences shared by women in the Glow Community who have already made this decision. Remember, understanding your menstrual cycle, tracking ovulation, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can play a significant role in your fertility journey. Tools like fertility apps can be a great aid in this process.

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