🤓 📖 Learn the talk behind baby-making 📖 🤓



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“I’m a SAHM and have 1 DD with DH. I’m 17 DPO and AF is late, but when I POAS, my HPT gave me a BFN. Help!”

Huh? Online TTC (Trying To Conceive) communities basically have their own language, which is totally confusing and overwhelming when you’re a newbie trying to figure out what the heck is going on.  (She’s a Single Anemic Hufflepuff Mormon and OMG, please help me with the rest of this sentence…)

Not to worry though, we’ve cracked the code for you since we know you’ve got better things to deal with besides trying to decipher online message board acronyms. Check out our alphabetized list below that will help you keep up with all the topics TTC’ers are talking about.

AF: Aunt Flo, your period (This one is particularly confusing since AF means something quite different in another context)

Baby dust: This is kind of like fairy dust for conception, typically used as a way to wish someone good luck! (i.e. no not dust that accumulates on babies if they lay in one spot for too long, if you are moving your baby around regularly that should not be a thing)

BD: Baby dance (having intercourse for conception purposes or by extension any form of insemination)

BFN: Big fat negative (on a pregnancy test)

BFP: Big fat positive (on a pregnancy test)

CD: Cycle day (Also, if  you still think “compact disc” let us introduce you to the wonderful world of digital music, welcome to the future!)

CL: Coverline

CM: Cervical mucus, a.k.a. cervical fluid

CP: Cervical position

DH, DD, DS: Dear Husband, Dear Daughter, Dear Son

DPO: Days past ovulation (i.e. Not the name of a Star Wars robot)

EWCM: Egg-white cervical mucus (same as egg-white cervical fluid)

FSH: Follicle stimulating hormone

HPT: Home pregnancy test  

IUI: Intra-uterine insemination

IVF: In-vitro fertilization

LH: Luteinizing hormone (whatever that is?)

LMPLast menstrual period (the first day of your last period)

LP: Luteal phase (NOT a phase of the moon)

M/C: Miscarriage

OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kit (totally fine if the first 4 times you read it you immediately think “Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries” but no, they are very different)

POAS: Pee on a stick (preferably a pregnancy test and not an actual stick but hey, you do you)

Rainbow babyThe baby you are trying for after a pregnancy loss

RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist- Fertility Specialist

TTCTrying to conceive

2WW: Two-week wait (The time btwn ovulation and when you can take a pregnancy test!)

GlowGPT content was prepared by staff writers at Glow with the help of AI tools. The information is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical or other professional advice, treatment, or diagnosis. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it. AI systems are rapidly evolving and given the probabilistic nature of machine learning, use of this system may in some situations result output that is incorrect, incomplete, or does not accurately reflect real people, places, or facts. You should evaluate the accuracy of any output as appropriate for your use case, including by using human review of the output. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified health provider before making any decisions regarding your, your child’s, or any other person’s health based on information provided here.