Embracing the First Week: Owlet Dream Sock – Your Partner in Navigating Newborn Sleep



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Image credit from Owlet

The arrival of a newborn is a whirlwind of emotions, joy, and a healthy dose of learning. While each baby develops at their own pace, the first week can feel like a blur of feedings, diaper changes, and sleepless nights. Glow is here to guide you through this special time with practical tips, and introduce you to Owlet Dream Sock, your trusted partner in navigating newborn sleep.

Day 1: Rest & Recovery with Peace of Mind

  • Prioritize your well-being: Embrace the quiet moments while your baby sleeps. Owlet Dream Sock offers peace of mind by monitoring their heart rate and oxygen levels, allowing you to rest and enjoy these precious moments without worry.
  • Begin building a bond: Observe your baby’s cues, learn their cries, and cherish the quiet moments of skin-to-skin contact. This fosters connection and helps you understand their needs.

Day 2: Establishing Routines & Tracking Sleep Patterns

  • Introduce a calming bedtime routine: Dim the lights, play gentle music, and give your baby a warm bath to signal sleep time. Owlet Dream Sock tracks their sleep patterns, providing valuable insights into sleep duration, quality, and trends. This helps you optimize their routine and identify any concerns early on.
  • Track feedings: Use a baby app or notebook to monitor your baby’s feeding schedule. 

Day 3: Milk Production & Growth with Personalized Alerts

  • Be patient with milk production: Don’t worry if your milk takes a few days to come in. Formula can bridge the gap until your natural production kicks in.
  • Continue tracking feedings: Monitor the amount of milk your baby consumes and their weight gain. This ensures they’re developing at a healthy rate.
  • Hydration is crucial: Offer water, especially in warmer climates. This supplements their hydration needs and promotes overall well-being.

Day 4: Welcoming Visitors & Managing Poop with Comfort

  • Set boundaries: Decide your comfort level with visitors and communicate your needs effectively. Owlet Dream Sock helps you focus on the joys of parenthood by tracking your baby’s movements and providing alerts for unusual fussiness, allowing you to intervene and address any needs promptly.
  • Get acquainted with newborn poop: Frequent bowel movements are normal. 

Day 5: Postpartum Contractions & Umbilical Cord Care with Confidence

  • Expect postpartum contractions: Your uterus contracts and shrinks back to its pre-pregnancy size. Manage discomfort with pain medication and heat therapy.
  • Keep the umbilical cord clean and dry: Avoid getting it wet and allow it to fall off naturally.

Day 6: Strengthening the Bond & Preventing Spit-up

  • Cuddle your baby often: Skin-to-skin contact strengthens the bond, regulates their temperature, and provides comfort. Enjoy these precious moments of closeness.
  • Learn to decipher your baby’s cries: Differentiate between hunger cues, tiredness, discomfort, and other needs. This helps you respond effectively to their cries and address their needs promptly.
  • Burp your baby frequently: Burping helps prevent spit-up, which is common during the first few months.

Day 7: Overcoming Nursing Challenges & Celebrating Milestones

  • Expect initial discomfort while breastfeeding: This is normal, especially in the first few days. Seek guidance from a lactation consultant if needed.
  • Celebrate your baby’s first milestones: Every accomplishment, no matter how small, marks significant development. Capture these precious moments!
  • Continue establishing routines: Consistency is key to forming healthy sleep habits and reducing stress for both you and your baby.